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Color block of green and pink
Reach Your 2025 Goals Faster With A Free Digital Vision Board Template
Color block of green and pink


You’ve probably heard of a vision board before and you’ve possibly even made one. A vision board is a visual representation of your goals, dreams, and aspirations. It’s like a Pinterest board, but with more intention. The idea is to gather images, quotes, and symbols that inspire you and reflect what you want to achieve, then arrange them in a way that keeps your goals front and center. It serves as a snapshot visual reminder for what you want to achieve in the year ahead!

Reach Your 2025 Goals Faster With a Digital Vision Board : Free Template for Small Business Entrepreneurs

Too often, as business owners, we tend to think far into the future for our life or business and it can be difficult for us to get focused on the next few months. A digital vision board will help you dial down your dreams into very specific and focused goals so you can take action on the right things at the right time without feeling overwhelmed.


The real value is that you can have a peace of mind knowing you’re spending your time wisely and you’re making traction on what you want to achieve. 

Whether you’re reading this at the start of the new year, in the middle of Q1 or far beyond, you should know that it’s never too late to create your digital vision board. 

It can be the very thing that clears your mind from everything you want to do and help you organize those things into actionable goals that you can make real moves on instead of keeping everything bottled up inside as a “maybe someday” dream.

So wherever you find yourself, start here! Follow this quick exercise to bring your own digital vision board to life.

Free Template: Reach your Goals Faster with a Digital Vision Board

Categories for Your Digital Vision Board

Before you skip to the fun part of actually creating your digital vision board, you’ll want to define a few categories for your goals. I firmly believe that as small business owners, we should't put all of our goals in the "career/business" category. Think of your life as a whole when you are determining your main categories so you can find balance and your unique version of success.


Common categories include:

  • Spiritual
  • Health
  • Financial
  • Career / Business
  • Family
  • Relationships
  • Marriage 
  • Personal Growth


You can use all of these or pick and choose the ones that feel most aligned and important to you!

Questions to Ask To Create Your Digital Vision Board

Once you’ve defined the categories that you want to use for your digital vision board, it’s time to ask yourself some questions. This is a step you don’t want to rush through because it will really determine what your end goals are, so make sure you carve out the time to do this well.


Here are some questions for each of the categories above to stir some ideas.


  • What kind of spiritual growth would you like to experience this year?
  • Is there a quote or scripture verse that resonates with you?
  • Are there any practices (like prayer, or journaling) you’d like to incorporate more consistently?


  • Are there any specific health goals you’d like to achieve (eating habits, exercise routines, mental health practices)?
  • What’s one small change you could make daily to improve your overall well-being?
  • What does your ideal day of feeling your healthiest look like?


  • What financial milestones are you hoping to hit (savings, investments, income)?
  • How would you like to manage your money differently this year?
  • Is there something you’ve been wanting to save for or splurge on?
  • What does financial freedom mean to you personally?

Career / Business

  • What’s the one big professional goal you’re aiming for this year?
  • Are there any skills or areas of knowledge you’d like to develop?
  • How do you want your business or career to feel—organized, expansive, impactful?


  • What memories do you want to create with your family this year?
  • Are there traditions or routines you’d like to start or strengthen?
  • How can you balance family time with your work or personal goals?


  • What kind of friendships or connections are you craving more of?
  • Are there people in your life you’d like to reconnect with or spend more time with?
  • How can you show up more authentically in your relationships?


  • What’s one way you’d like to strengthen your relationship?
  • Are there specific experiences you’d like to share together (date nights, trips, hobbies)?
  • How can you better communicate your needs or desires in your marriage?

Personal Growth

  • What’s a new skill or hobby you’d love to explore?
  • How do you want to challenge yourself this year?
  • Are there books, podcasts, or courses you’ve been curious about?

Those questions can get the ball rolling for bringing your vision board to life. Your answers to those questions can help you create goals for the categories you’ve chosen!


Most of the time when setting goals, people start off very general and that’s okay, but when you make them specific you can get closer to achieving your goals because you know exactly what  needs to be done to get there!


So, once you have your generalized goals written, go back and make them specific by adding numbers, deadlines, etc. 


For example, if your general goal this year is to “make more money” you can make that specific by saying, “I want to make $5,000/month and in order to do that I need to sell 5 spots for my course each month.”


See the difference? The specific goal is way more clear and it helps you see what action you need to take to actually achieve the ultimate thing you want.

How to Bring Your Online Digital Vision Board to Life

Once you have your goals specifically defined for each category, it’s time for the fun part - bringing your digital vision board to life!

For this, I encourage you to use Canva as it will be the easiest way to create a montage of pictures that represent each of your goals. 

To make this extra easy for you, I’ve created a
FREE TEMPLATE you can customize yourself!

A computer screen shows a collage of pictures of mountains and clouds.

Once you make a copy of the template, you can grab pictures from Google or use Canva’s internal photo feature to find images that give a visual representation of each of the goals that you defined.

For example, if doing pilates 3x per week is on your list, you could grab a picture of the pilates studio that you plan to attend. 

After gathering all of your images, you will add them to your Canva template and arrange them in a way that’s visually appealing for you! You can even add text that acts as labels so you can remind yourself of the specificities that go with each image.

Free Template: Reach your Goals Faster with a Digital Vision Board

What to do Once You've Created your Digital Vision Board

Once your digital vision board is created, it’s time to make sure you actually use it! You can print it off to hang on your fridge or in your bathroom or you can keep it digital and use it as your computer or phone background.

The KEY is that you’re putting it in a place where you can see it daily and you’re constantly reminding yourself what you want to achieve.

Too often we set our goals, but they become a subconscious thought that we don’t pay much attention to. A digital vision board helps you avoid just that!

Don’t let this be another year that you create a bunch of “maybe someday” dreams. Let it be the year that you make your dreams a reality. 👏🏼

P.S. If taking your brand or website up a notch is on your vision board, YOU KNOW WHERE TO FIND ME!

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Hey! I'm Amanda.

Iowa Nice gal (and an occasional lady rebel on roller skates 🛼) on a mission to challenge the small business "I need a logo" mentality, empowering local entrepreneurs to scale their business with intentional & meaningful brand, website and SEO strategy.


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