The word studio a is written in colorful letters on a white background.
Color block of green and pink
Things Your Visitors Actually Want to Learn on Your About Page
Color block of green and pink

True Confession: I'm a website visitor who goes straight to the About Page when looking for a business to work with or purchase from. 

And I'll admit, sometimes, I get there and am met with a lackluster staff bio, a quick mission statement, or,
worst of all…little to no personality or brand representation.

Here's what I usually do next…

A woman is sitting in a chair and saying `` i 'm sorry , i 'm out ''.

I exit the website.

Listen, I'm an Iowa nice girl. I don't mean to sound like a drama queen, but
it's a deal-breaker for me when an About Page fails to show brand personality and how the business benefits me.

The Importance of an About Page, Specifically for Small Business

As a seasoned website designer, I often hear my clients express concerns when building their About Pages. Common phrases include, "I don't want to talk about myself," "My story isn’t exciting," or "I feel like I'm bragging." 

While your personal story
can add context, the primary focus of an About Page should be the chance for your visitor to find the connection between the two of you.

By focusing on your customers' internal questions, you can create an About Page that resonates with your visitors and creates a lasting impression—and as a humble business owner, it doesn’t have to be framed like it’s all about you!

If I haven't already convinced you of its importance; check out these important About Page facts:

〰️ High Traffic:
The About Page is often among the most visited pages on a small business website, second only to the homepage. This is NOT the case for large corporations, associations, and organizations…which means we have a unique opportunity here, friend.

〰️ Long Dwell Time:
Visitors spend more time on the About Page than on other Pages, indicating its importance in building trust and credibility.

〰️ High Conversion Rates: A well-done About Page can significantly influence conversions. It helps visitors understand your "why" for being in business and the reason they should choose it over competitors.

Questions a Visitor Asks When Scrolling Your About Page

Questions a Visitor (subconsciously) Asks When Scrolling through Your About Page

Imagine your target client just landed on your About Page. They start at the top and you have their full attention. Let’s make sure we answer these questions for them and give them the confidence to keep scrolling and engaging.

Alright, let’s dive in!

1. Am I in the right place?

Help them know they are in the right place by literally telling them plainly. If they align with the services you provide and how they can benefit from you, they will keep engaging on the page. 

A woman is petting a dog on a website.


〰️ Offer Visual Confirmation
The website above clearly shows heartwarming photos of a sweet little furry friend receiving a light therapy treatment, which visually answers questions about what a treatment might look like and how noninvasive and gentle the approach is. 

〰️ Start with a Direct Headline
If that isn't enough, the headline text states, "If you are looking for a veterinary specialist who supports integrative and Western veterinary medicine, I am excited to meet you and your furry friend."

Someone who supports this veterinary philosophy and has a friendly face to go with it will immediately feel excited to know more.


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2. How does this brand make me feel?

Feeling an emotional connection with a brand is a big component visitors look for when they are on an About Page. They want to find a point of human connection that makes them develop trustworthiness with you. 

A man and a woman are sitting at a table with a laptop.

〰️Show Don’t Tell

A great way to keep customers engaged with your story is through video. An "about video" at the top of the page showcasing a brief history and customer stories (see above) is a great touch to help visitors understand what it would be like to work face-to-face with the real estate professionals at Bock Real Estate.

Use Storytelling
While there's nothing wrong with including your mission statement on your About Page, sharing personal stories about your life that brought you to this point in your career can resonate even better with visitors. Adding professional photography, video, and social proof like testimonials speaks volumes.

3. What makes this brand different?

Differentiators make your business stand out so visitors know why they should choose you. You can differentiate your brand through company culture, values, giving back, specialized services, who you've worked with or your unique strengths and expertise. Remember, this may be their first interaction with you, so make sure you lead by captivating them with your unique brand qualities.

A website for a company called new event & firm

〰️ Reveal Your Culture
Highlighting your brand's values, mission, and the unique atmosphere within your organization can really work if you can do it in a way that gives a true glimpse into the work environment, employees and the culture of the business.

〰️ Share Community Impact
New Point Law Firm provides specific examples of how social responsibility differentiates their firm (see above). Philanthropic efforts and individual awards show their commitment to making an impact in the community beyond their legal services. 

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4. Does this business understand my needs?

Show them what you can expect working with you. Provide case studies that share stories from satisfied customers describing how your product or service solved their problem. Create a frequently asked questions (FAQs) section, and touch on your offerings. Use language that shows you understand your customers' challenges and frustrations. Go the distance to show how you can work together to solve pain points. 

A woman in a straw hat is sitting in a pool.

〰️ Empathetic Language

Vida Travel Co. speaks directly with her visitors about how seriously she takes helping people with their travel experiences and acknowledges that vacations are pivotal and memorable moments. 

〰️ Summarize the Solution
Your Services Pages contain an extended version of the services. Still, a highlighted section on the About Page with a summary of products or services clearly addresses the types of travel packages that address specific customer needs. 

 5. What is the next step?

A Call to Action (CTA) is usually toward the bottom of the page where your visitor has scrolled through your website and determined they are interested in learning more. This could look like a button to contact you, a newsletter signup, or directing them to a favorite blog post. The goal is to get visitors to another page to continue their engagement.

A woman is sitting at a desk in front of a computer screen.

Make it Easy to Take Action

Make sure your CTA is clear and straightforward to encourage visitors to go somewhere else on your site so you can continue telling your story. Use a strong and compelling CTA like "Schedule a Free Consultation" or "Subscribe to Our Newsletter," for example.

〰️ Use Strong Action Verbs
In Studio A's website above, you can see the headline before the buttons, including verbs to set them up to take action. The verbiage "STOP guessing, START growing" creates a sense of excitement and urgency to help motivate the visitor to take the next step. 

Your About Page is a Hidden Gem

Your website’s About Page is more than just a digital brochure, it's a great opportunity to boost your website engagement, increase conversion and build a relationship with your customers.

Schedule a
free 30 minute consultation with me so we can discuss how we can take your Iowa small business website up a notch!

Your designer friend always,

A woman in a white shirt is smiling while holding a cup of coffee
A handwritten signature of the name amanda on a white background.
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A pink and blue striped ribbon on a white background.
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Hey! I'm Amanda.

Iowa Nice gal (and an occasional lady rebel on roller skates 🛼) on a mission to challenge the small business "I need a logo" mentality, empowering local entrepreneurs to scale their business with intentional & meaningful brand, website and SEO strategy.


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I get to use creativity everyday to help entrepreneurs focus on their passions to discovering their brand's "sweet spot" in the marketplace...and I absolutely LOVE IT!

I'd love to connect with you to chat more about your business.

Amanda in a green dress is holding a cup of coffee and smiling.
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